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Max and Min Vets
Interdigital furnuculosis - treated with combination of abs, steroid and weekly phovia
Elite Vets, Strathaven, Scotland
I used it after a mass removal which was staged as benign. The dog would not tolerate laster therapy so used a demo Phobia lamp and even the hair restoration was faster where the chromophore was placed on the clipped skin compared to a clippervarra where phovia was not used. Faster pain free healing.
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Foxcotte Veterinary Group
Max 11y Male neutered Labrador
09/02/24: Presented 6d following excision of lipoma left side chest, was wearing a Medical Pet Shirt to protect wound. Full thickness wound in left axilla. MPS had been rubbing. Swab was taken, area gently bathed in dilute iodine, leucillin sent home with O to apply. O to use loose t-shirt to protect. (Before photo)
12/02/24: 1st Phovia treatment following sloughing of dead tissue, healthy wound bed. O using loose t-shirt and inflatable collar to protect wound.
16/02/24: 2nd Phovia treatment, healthy wound bed and granulating.
26/02/24: 3rd Phovia treatment, healing well
08/03/24: Final check and sign off (Final photo)
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berry house
2yr old DSH, presented with 2 deep open cat bite wounds to face, wounds were cleaned with chlorhex and he was given 2 phovia treatments and oral meloxicam. Post phovia photo taken after 1 treatment as o did not re-present after 2nd as had completely healed. Pre-phovia photo does not show head wound s photo of this was taken separately and could only upload one
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Billy is a 1 year old Rottweiler who had come to us with a broken nail, we had cut the nail back to the base but unfortunately billy licked the nail. he developed cellulitis and needed antibiotics and intense treatment. we started phovia on the 29/4 he had it weekly with bandage changes. we finished the phovia on the 7/6
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Watson, a nearly 10yr old labrador presented to the practice in June with a horrific, necrotic hotspot on the right side of his face. Under Ga, the wound was debrided and clean and phovia light therapy was given. We repeated this treatment once a week for the next 4 weeks with impressive results.
The owner kindly provided a post op image 2 weeks later and nearly all his furr had regrow 😀
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Charter Vets, Newcastle under lyme
9yr 10m , k9 lurcher, bursitis on elbow
Duration of treatment 26/4/24 - 27/6/24
Started phovia treatment on 20/5/24 after slow healing, he had 7 treatments finishing on 27/6 where the wound had fully healed.
He was having hibiscrub daily washes in-between with a primapore dressing. Had previously used manuka honey for a duration aswell.
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Steffan Vets
3 year old chinese crested female. Post dog bite/fight. Used Phovia, 4 sessions. great results
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Back in February Shelby had a TPLO surgery on her right hind leg. The wound fully healed but she unfortunately ended up with localised baldness around her rump.
In April it was suggested to try Phovia to see if it could help stimulate the hair regrowth.
Over the next month Shelby received Phovia treatment once per week and the results were amazing!!!
The owner kindly sent us a photo 3 weeks post treatment and it showed that Phovia was a definite success and since then the furr has fully regrown with no patching or changes in pigmentation. The owners were very please with her transformation.
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Willows Hampton and The Firs Cheshire
Tinkasite was out for a run in the wood on her birthday and whilst jumping over a log caught her back and ripped a large hole in the skin over her back. She was very brave but with it being caused by being impaled with a branch it was likely a to become infected. She was taken to the vets who realized the wound was much bigger and deep than originally though. Under anaesthetic she had the wound flushed out, drains placed, stiches placed and started on antibiotics then was protected by bandages and a medical suit. In spite of a lot of home care, cage rest and antibiotics the wound struggled to heal as it was over a very mobile area of the back. She visited the Firs for Phovia treatment and after the first treatment was able to stop the antibiotics and have the stitches removed. After the second treatment she no longer needed the body suit or any bandages and is now back to her normal happy bouncy self although still a scar to show for her birthday experience.
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Presley, a 7yr old Shar Pei, presented to the practice with a severe pyoderma and fever. Pustules and oedema was present all over his body and his skin was very inflamed and itchy. It was suspected he had either shar pei fever or alabama rot.
NAIDS & antibiotics were dispensed for a week and although Presley was brighter in himself, their was little improvement with his skin condition.
After a deep lavage and removal of all scabbed skin, an extensive course of Phovia treatment was administer over all hind quarters of Presley. Unfortunately due to cost and the volume of treatment required, the owner was unable to repeat more then one course of Phovia but the owner was very please with the results and has since reported that all hair has grown back better then before!
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Biff presented to practice on 3/7/24 with a wound on his head (an old abscess that wasn't healing).
After debriding and closing the surrounding skin, phovia was used to aid wound healing. After 10days post op, the owner sent an updated photo which showed full wound healing and ample hair regrowth.
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Pengelly and Mizen
8 year old Great Dane with lesion on anus.Very itchy and sore. wner report after second application dog had stopped itching and swelling had come right down
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Amala, a 6yr old German Shephard
Has had bilateral lower jaw skin fold dermatitis on and off for the last year. unsuccessful healing while using topical treatment
Amala was in for a lump removal in June but while under GA we also treated her skin folds using phovia.
due to temperament we were unable to do another further treatments but owner was very please with the results and has since had no re occurrences
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Bedford V4P
Middle aged pug x with an interdigital cyst. No treatment apart from a single phobia session. Pictures 1 week apart
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Pengelly and Mizen veterinary surgery
4 year old Bulldog with a Temp 39c, scrotal dermatitis. Very sore and ulcerated. Needed this to clear up before he could be castrated.
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OLLIE is a 2-year-old French Bulldog, suffering from severe atopic dermatitis currently treated with oclacitinib, antiseptic shampoos and allergen specific immunotherapy.
Case description: A case of interdigital furunculosis with severe pruritus in a dog with severe atopic dermatitis present for 2 weeks.
Therapeutic plan: It was decided to use Phovia for two consecutive 2-minute applications repeated weekly for 4 weeks. Antiseptic shampoo was applied topically once a week by the owner between Phovia sessions
Length of Phovia treatment: Four weeks
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MOMO is a 10-month-old Border Collie with an open tarsal surgical wound.
Reason for consultation: Surgical wound dehiscence. Two days post-surgery, the dog had removed all the suture material by licking the affected area, causing dehiscence of practically the entire surgical wound.
Therapeutic plan: It was decided to use Phovia with adjuvant oral antibiotics. Phovia was used as two consecutive 2-minute applications repeated a week apart for 2 weeks
Length of Phovia treatment: Two weeks
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NEHO is a 4-year-old, male, English Cocker Spaniel with interdigital furunculosis secondary to a reaction to a grass seed. The lesion has been present for 18 months.
Case description: A case of chronic relapsing interdigital furunculosis, following a reaction to a grass seed. Lesion of approximately 1-2 cm in diameter between the third and fourth interdigital space of the right front paw. Painful nodules with draining tract.
Therapeutic plan: It was decided to use Phovia for two consecutive 2-minute applications repeated weekly for 5 weeks. Antiseptic shampoo was applied by the owner between the Phovia sessions.
Length of Phovia treatment: Five weeks
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ANGUS is a 6-year-old, male, West Highland White Terrier. Suffers from atopic dermatitis treated with daily oclacitinib, steroids and moisturising shampoos twice a week.
Case description: Pyotraumatic dermatitis on almost 75% of upper surface of the tail caused by excessive licking, biting, rubbing and scratching of his tail.
Therapeutic plan: The dog continued the steroidal and shampoo treatment for atopic dermatitis as above. This was given by the owner between the Phovia sessions. Phovia used weekly for two consecutive 2 minute sessions
Length of Phovia treatment: Two weeks